Exhibition Brorup Nordic-Dog-Show (DK) 26.05.2024

Auroranewfs Dirty Dancer

Catalog No: 1070
Rating: SL1
Class: Baby Hündin
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: Best Baby
Written critics: 3 months old, correct bite. exelent type. very nice head with nice expression, correct earset. god type and quality of the coat. exelent tailset. exelent temperament.

Top Bears Fabian of Alizia

Catalog No: 1071
Rating: SL2
Class: Jüngsten Rüden
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 7 months old, correct bite. nice head, correct earset. strong neck. exelent topline and undeline. correct tailset. exelent temperament. correct coat for the age. mowes freely.

Top Bears Frankie of Alizia

Catalog No: 1072
Rating: SL1
Class: Jüngsten Rüden
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: BIK, Best Puppy
Written critics: 7 months old, correct bite. very nice head with exelent expression. exelent earset. exelent topline and undeline. good type and quality o the coat. exelent temperament. correct movement.

Newf-Dreams Sullivan

Catalog No: 1072
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CERT-R, CERT-Jgd, NCAC-Jgd
Written critics: 11 months old, correct bite.exelent head, strong muzzle. correct earset. strong neck. exelent coat. correct tailset. in movement a bit narrow behind. correct side moement. exelent temperament.

Newettas Words of Wisdom

Catalog No: 1073
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK, CERT
Written critics: 1,5 years old, correct bite. nice head, correct earset. welldeveloped cheast and forcheast. exelent topline and underline. correct tailset. i would prefer more undercoat. exelent temperament and movement.

Newettas Kudos To Brown

Catalog No: 1074
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1. BHK, NCAC, BOB
Written critics: almost 4 years old, correct bite. very nice head, strong muzzle. correct earset. exelent neck. exelent topline and underline. good type and quality of the coat. exelent front and back angulations. correct tailset. in movement in the font.

Daybreakers Meaning of Life

Catalog No: 1075
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 2 years old, correct bite. nice head correct earset. strong neck, exelent topline and underline. flat on the front legs. i would prefer better coat. exelent tailset. mowes freely.

King of Helluland Gusttavo Lima

Catalog No: 1076
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)

Traneborgens Jetblack Jesse

Catalog No: 1077
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHK
Written critics: 4,5 years old, correct bite. nice head, strong muzzle. correct earset. exelent topline and underline. exelent tailset. correct front and rear angulations. a bit flat in front legs in movement. correct side movement. exelent temperament.

Masterpiece De Anmalamual

Catalog No: 1079
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHK, NCAC-R, BIK, Best Veteran
Written critics: 8,5 years old, correct bite. exelent type. nice head, very nice expression. well developed cheast and forcheast. exelent topline and underline. i would prefer more undercoat. correct angulations. mowes freely

Auroranewfs Boss

Catalog No: 1080
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 8 years old, correct bite.nice head, strong neck. exelent topline and underline. exelent tailset. i prefer better and more undercoat. mowes narrow in the front. correct sidemovement.

Newf-Dreams Scarlett

Catalog No: 1081
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)

Newettas Xcuse My Beauty

Catalog No: 1082
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTK, CERT-R, CERT-Jgd, NCAC-Jgd
Written critics: 17 months old, correct bite. very nice feminin head. a bit softer ears. exelent topline and underline. correct angulations. i would prefer a better coat. exelent temperament and movement.

Socathans Catch Me If You Can

Catalog No: 1083
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BTK
Written critics: 2 years old bitch, correct bite. exelent head and expression. strong muzzle, welldeveloped skull. exelent earset. exelent topline and underline. correct front and rear angulations. i would prefer much better coat and undercot. exelent tailset.

Swe-Newfs Call Me Ruth

Catalog No: 1084
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 2 years old, correct bite. nice feminin head. correct earset. exelent topline and undeline. correct coat. in movement and stands narrow in the front. exelent front and rear angulations.

Coolbears Kaya After Butler

Catalog No: 1085
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1. BTK, CERT, NCAC, BOS
Written critics: 2,5 years old, correct bite. very nice head with exelent expression. strong muzzle. exelent neck. correct topline and underline. slightly long in loin. exelent angultion. exelent temperament. mowes freely

Ursulas Handpicked Flora

Catalog No: 1086
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 6,5 yers old, correct bite. correct head, wellset ears. exelent topline and underline. correct tailset. exelent temperament. in movement narrow behind. correct sidemovement.

Zoulmate for Newetta von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 1087
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)

Traneborgens I Am The One And Only

Catalog No: 1088
Rating: SG4
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 5 years old, correct bite. nice feminin head, strong neck, exelent topline and undeline. correct angulation. exelent tailset. in movement front a bit front and hind legs.

Amayasnufhouse Be My Coco Chanel

Catalog No: 1089
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: almost 3 years old bitch, correct bite. exelent head. wellset ears. correct topline and underline, a bit low tailset. correct coat. exelent temperament. correct movement.

Fluffy Avalanch Olga

Catalog No: 1090
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 6 years old bitch, correct bite. nice head, wellset ears. strong neck. exelent underline, i prefer beter topline. corrct font and rear angulation. i prefer more undecoat. corrct movement.

Auroranewfs Caress from Norway

Catalog No: 1091
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BTK, NCAC-R
Written critics: almost 3 years old, correct bite. very nice head, strong muzzle. exelent earset. strong bones, strong body. i prefer more undercoat. exelent tailset. mowes freely

Cannon Bears With Lots of Champagne

Catalog No: 1092
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: almost 4 years old, correct bite. nice feminin head, correct earset. well developed cheast and forcheast. exelent underline i prefer better topline. correct tailset. exelent temperament.

Ursulas Evergreen of Edenglen

Catalog No: 1093
Rating: SG3
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 9,5 years old, correct bite. exelent condition for her age. correct head, exelent topline and undrline. correct tailset, prefer more undercoat. movement narrow in front and baglgs.

Newettas Highest Bet for Future

Catalog No: 1094
Rating: V1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-Vet, NCAC-Vet
Written critics: almost 9 years old, correct bite. veru nice head with exelent expression. in exelent condition for her age. correct topline and underline. exelent front and rear angulations. in movement topline could be better. exelent type and quality of the coat.

Newettas Kind of Black Magic

Catalog No: 1095
Rating: V2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Oliver Simon (HR)
Written critics: 8,5 years old, correct bite. very nice head with exelent expression. exlent neck and shouldeers. correct topline and underline. exelent tailset. correct angulation. i prefer better reach and drive in movenment, exelent temperament